Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Teen Pregnancy: Bogus Problems, Bogus Solutions

Regarding Abstinence Education, in a Jan. 27 report from Washington, D.C., Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow Robert Rector said:

"The Guttmacher Institute recently released a report raising alarm over a one-year increase in teen pregnancy. "Safe sex" experts quickly pinned the blame on abstinence education.

Interesting, the decade after the federal government began its meager funding of abstinence education, teen pregnancy fell steadily. Safe-sex experts never linked the decline to abstinence education. But when the news went bad, they swiftly identified abstinence programs as the culprit.

But did teen pregnancy actually rise in 2006, as Guttmacher claims? It depends on what you mean by "teen." For most people, "teen pregnancy" implies pregnancy among high school girls under age 18. According to Guttmacher's own data, the pregnancy rate for 15-17-year old girls barely changed, and the rate for girls 14 and under (the group most affected by abstinence programs) actually dropped.

By contrast, the pregnancy and birth rates for young adult women aged 18 and 19 rose sharply.

The rise in pregnancy and birth in this age range is part of a much larger story: the collapse of marriage and explosive growth of out-of-wedlock births in lower income communities.

Between 1997-2007 very few non-martial births in comparison occurred to minor girls; most were to less-educated young adult women aged 18-26. In the grand scheme of things, the issue of "teen" pregnancy is dwarfed by its much larger cousin, the disintegration of marriage. Marital collapse is a catastrophe for taxpayers and society in general; the welfare costs alone exceed $250 billion per year. Of the 1.7 million children born out of wedlock in 2007, only 136,000 (or 7%) had mothers under the age of 18.

I believe the Left hypes "teen pregnancy" to support their agenda of condom promotion and permissive sex education in the public schools. When lower income men and women were surveyed about access to condoms and prevention methods very few stated the reason for pregnancy as lack of access to birth control."

Why do organizations like Oklahoma Family Policy Council stay committed to the message of abstinence? We believe it's good public policy, it's 100% safe, and it's the best message for our teens. The K.E.E.P. (Kids Eagerly Endorsing Purity) Program is alive and advancing the cause of healthy choices among teens. Saying no to sex before marriage and no to drugs and alcohol is a right message for teens today. True abstinence is the message parents 91% of parents want schools to teach their child (according to a Zogby poll).

Mike Jestes, Executive Director
Oklahoma Family Policy Council

Monday, January 25, 2010

U.S. Senate Debates Increase in Debt Ceiling

The U.S. Senate is debating H.R. 45, a measure to increase the authorized national debt ceiling to over $13 trillion.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Muskogee) noted in his recent email newsletter that the U.S. Senate just increased the government's authorized debt ceiling less than a month ago on Dec. 26.

Dr. Coburn also provided mind-blowing perspective about the current Senate effort to raise the ceiling once again by almost another $2 trillion (take a good look at number 4 below):

• The debt limit increase will rank as the largest in American history, shattering the previous record nearly twice over.

• The federal deficit for 2009 surpasses our entire federal budget spending for 1999 by $200 billion.

• The deficit for 2009 is nearly three times our previous record for federal budget deficits.

• Our national debt in 2009 increased by a rate of $4 billion a day. That means every 1.5 days, the federal government is running a deficit equal to the entire annual budget of the State of Oklahoma.

• The national debt, not including obligations to the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, now stands at $39,000 per man, woman, and child.

• Currently, Congress borrows 43 cents for every dollar it spends.

Unbelievable, folks.

Article Exposes Oklahoma's March Toward Federalization of Education

Like 39 other states and the District of Columbia, Oklahoma is now seeking millions in federal stimulus funds to put our state's common education system further along the well-worn path to complete federalization of education, in what is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, although few seem to express alarm.

What began in the 1990s with Outcomes-Based Education and later progressed through various incarnations as America 2000, Goals 2000, School-to-Work, and No Child Left Behind is now entering a new phase, which is being managed, in part, by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

One of the most telling articles we've read was published in yesterday's Sunday Oklahoma by reporter Megan Rolland.

Oklahoma's Race to the Top application, drafted by former Tulsa mayor Kathy Taylor, now Gov. Brad Henry's education czar, seeks $183 million in federal funds to:

1)  transition the state from its current PASS standards (whose creation violated outgoing State Supt. of Public Instruction Sandy Garrett's Dec. 1995 promise that "OBE is dead in Oklahoma.") to a nationally drafted curriculum, which is being developed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.

2)  patch Oklahoma into the national Web-based data system under development that will track all Oklahoma students from pre-K onward until after they enter the labor market. The data system will include all sorts of nosy personal information on students, their values, and their families in addition to academic data, and will be available to school officials, government, and business. This is a souped-up electronic version of the written Dangan, which was commonly used in Communist countries in the 20th Century.

According to author and education expert John Taylor Gatto, the American Dangan has been under development since at least the mid-1960s, courtesy of Progressive educrats like the late Ralph Tyler, who perfected the use of assessments to gauge students' indoctrination and progress. Only now have technology advances and the common use of the Internet made a seamless, national (and worldwide) system like this possible.

3)  create a new teacher evaluation system, so school officials can identify and remove teachers and principals they deem to be "ineffective" or underperforming, contrary to what the government desires. Ostensibly, the goal is to remove bad teachers, but there is room for much mischief. Taylor promises guidance from "national experts" in developing the "state's" evaluation system.

According to the Jan. 24 Sunday Oklahoman article, 64 state teachers unions, including the Oklahoma Education Association, the state affiliate of the National Education Association, signed off on the state's federal application, as did 324 school districts representing approximately 80 percent of Oklahoma's public school students.

So, it appears the transition from historic local control of education by parents to what is, effectively, complete federal control of education, conveniently managed by state government officials, comtinues.

Will Oklahoma parents and children -- and our state's schools -- ever regain their freedom and liberty?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

On Yet Another Roe Anniversary, The Manhattan Declaration Reaffirms Life

Tomorrow, January 22nd, is the 37th anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton abortion decisions. Since the essentially unrestricted right to abortion was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court, including for reasons of safeguarding a woman's mental health, an estimated 50 million unborn children have been aborted in the U.S.

On Friday, we remember the untold millions of lives lost in America's national holocaust and contemplate what contributions and impact these lives could have made in our nation, had they only been given the precious gift of life. The right-to-life is, of course, guaranteed as the first unalienable right endowed to us by our Creator. Sadly, our U.S. legal system has violated its own organic law in the misguided pursuit of enshrining a woman's illusory Constitutional right to choose death for her children. May we, in time, overturn this terrible travesty of justice and common decency.

On a related note, The Manhattan Declaration is an eloquent statement by Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about the sanctity of human life, marriage, and religious liberty.

We at OFPC call upon all our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in supporting and defending them. You can read and add your name in support of the Manhattan Declaration at

Glenn Beck to Broadcast Key Documentary Friday

Broadcaster Glenn Beck will air an important new documentary, The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free ... or Die, on the Fox News Channel at 4 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 22.

The Beck documentary chronicles the estimated over 100 million people killed by their own governments in the 20th Century by revolutionary Communist leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol-Pot, Che Guevara, Castro, etc. People, who were once commonly despised as bloodthirsty killers, are now widely promoted by celebrities and impressionable students as trendy change-agents worthy of praise.

Beck will also explain the ties between these Communist revolutionaries who brought political change by violence and their cousin 20th and 21st Century political Progressives (and thinkers such as Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci) who sought (and seek) similar political goals, but who have rejected violence and advance their agenda by evolutionary, peaceful change over a long period of time.

Because much of real American or world history is no longer taught in the public schools, or is revisionistic, it is more important than ever for citizens (and older students) to understand where we have been, the past, and where we may be going, the future. Beck's documentary is must see TV.

NOTE: because of the disturbing, graphic nature of real 20th Century history, it is best that younger children not be permitted to see the documentary. However; for high school students and adults, it is important teaching we need to see and understand. If you miss the 4 p.m. airing, it is rebroadcast again (in Oklahoma City on Cox Channel 44) at 1 a.m. It may also be rebroadcast again over the weekend. In the near term, it will NOT be available for purchase as a separate DVD, so you must record it if you wish to have it in your library.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The People Speak ... Loudly

Yesterday's surprise election in Massachusetts of Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate by a huge blue-state margin of 5 points is sending shockwaves throughout the entire political landscape nationwide.

Senator-elect Brown's upset of Mass. Attorney General Martha Coakley, who had led Brown handily in polls as recently as mid-December, follows other recent conservative victories in Virginia and New Jersey. Now, we are seeing a clear trend.

Brown, a Republican, ran as an independent Bay State voice against unrestrained federal spending and massive amounts of new national debt, the weakening of America's national defense, socialistic Obamacare, and other liberal excesses occurring in Washington, D.C. The coalition of Democrats, Independents, and Republican voters across the Commonwealth liked what they heard. They bought Brown's campaign cry, "We can do better!"

What will happen next? We can surmise that political Progressives like President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will push ahead hard to implement their vision of universal health care. If they wish, Progressives can try to pass parts of health care by the nuclear option -- via budget reconciliation, which requires only 50 votes in the Senate, not the fillibuster-proof 60 votes the majority no longer has. But, even if they want to do this, they will still need to win important procedural votes first, and many in their caucus are balking, now terrified of their own political futures.

Despite the opposition of the American people to their version of health care legislation, the Progressives feel they MUST do this NOW; otherwise, they will have no accomplishments to sell voters on this November. They're wrong to think they must pass this bureaucratic, big-government boondoggle, but that's their perspective.

More traditional Democrats will urge a pull-back to a more centrist position, similar to what President Bill Clinton did after mid-term defeats for his party in 1994. Think triangulation. Sen. Jim Webb, D-Virginia, and Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, are two senators who are urging their colleagues to go slow. Now, as then, there is an internal war between the so-called Blue-Dog Democrats, like Rep. Dan Boren, D-Muskogee, and the much larger group of true-believer Progressives, who follow the political teachings of Saul Alinsky, Antonio Gramsci, etc. Over the next week, the internal political bloodbath will be thick in the water.

Politics can be awful. But, it WILL be interesting to see what strategy President Barack Obama implements and articulates during his State of the Nation address, which occurs exactly one week from today on Wednesday, January 27th at 8 p.m.

Meanwhile, following the Massachusetts battle — in what many are calling "The Second American Revolution" — the never-ending work of patriotic Americans everywhere to win the hearts and souls of their fellow citizens and to guarantee the future of the American Republic continues.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Climate Change Documentary to be Shown This Thursday in Edmond/Tulsa

Our good friends at Oklahomans for Prosperity are screening an important new documentary film, Not Evil Just Wrong, this Thursday evening, January 21., 7 p.m., at both the University of Central Oklahoma, in Edmond, and at Oral Roberts University, in Tulsa.

This documentary film challenges claims made by global warming apologist Al Gore in his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. This film, which lasts for 1 hour, 20 minutes, will be shown free-to-the-public. It will be a perfect educational opportunity for home-schoolers, college students, teens and adults who want to be able to counter the claims of climate-change advocates, etc.

The UCO screening will be in Room 128 in the Liberal Arts Building.

The ORU screening will be in the Learning Resource Center, Room 236.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Health Care "Reform" Violates Equal Treatment

Yesterday, in a 15-hour negotiating session at the White House, labor unions got what they had wanted: exemption from taxation on their so-called "Cadillac" health insurance plans. This is an outrage. As citizens, we are supposed to be treated equally by government; the Constitution guarantees equal protection of the laws; and under the rule of law, Lady Justice wears a blindfold to avoid partiality, etc.

Yet, in this current round of health care reform, we are seeing special treatment for labor unions, special treatment for states like Nebraska (courtesy of Sen. Ben Nelson) and Louisiana (courtesy of Sen. Mary Landrieu), the corrupt buying of legislators' votes with taxpayers' money, a broken promise from the President that negotiations would be conducted out in the open on C-SPAN, etc. The American people are increasingly angry, and rightfully — indeed, righteously — so.

Sen. Tom Coburn said yesterday in Oklahoma City he believes the bill will cost $2.3 trillion, provide essentially no savings for taxpayers (spurring a later complete takeover of health care by government), and lead to the rationing and denial of medical treatment and care by bureaucrats to millions of Americans. The 2,000 plus page bill has been craftily designed so the very significant tax increases (yes, a violation of yet another campaign promise) occur in the first several years before the health care program actually kicks in in 2014, when the expenses begin.

Americans can stop this violation of our liberties, but it will take concerted effort by millions of citizens nationwide to do so. May God bless citizens' efforts to regain our freedom from the oppression of our nation's leaders, who daily, by their actions, violate their oath of office.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mike Jestes on KFOR News Channel 4

OFPC Executive Director Mike Jestes is now taping a spot with KFOR's Bobbie Miller about proposed reforms to Oklahoma's divorce statutes. Several bills have been introduced at 23rd and Lincoln, which are designed to slow down the divorce process, when minor children in the home will be affected negatively by their parent's split.

One bill is by Rep. Mark McCullough (Sapulpa) and the other is HB 2279 by Rep. Sally Kern (Oklahoma City). No-fault divorce laws, enacted nationwide since the 1970s, have proven over the past 40 years to be disasterous for children.

Father-Daughter Purity Ball Cancelled

Unfortunately, the Father-Daughter Purity Ball, originally scheduled for Feb. 20 in Oklahoma City, has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause for you and your daughters. If you have already pre-paid for the event, your money will be refunded.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You're Needed to Pray for Legistators on Jan. 31

On Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010 — the day before Oklahoma’s 2010 legislative session begins — the sixth annual Legislative Prayer Gathering will be held at the State Capitol.

Prayers will occur on the floor of both the House and Senate Chambers from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Participants will be offered the opportunity to actually sit in the chair of their state representative and/or senator and pray for that office holder (and others) for one hour.

The objective is to have each of the 101 seats in the House Chambers as well as each of the 48 seats in the Senate Chambers occupied by citizens in prayer. To fulfill this goal, at least 149 participants are needed. Any participants beyond the 149 will fill a seat upstairs in either the House or Senate gallery.

Participants are encouraged to park on the west side of the Capitol and enter the west side of the building. Guides will be present to provide direction.

This annual event is sponsored by Rep. Mike Reynolds, Sen. Jim Reynolds, Prayer Force One, Bott Radio Network, the Oklahoma Family Policy Council,, Barnabas Ministries Inc., Reclaim Oklahoma for Christ, and the Oklahoma Conservative PAC.

For more information, call organizer Dave Mehlhaff at (405) 596-7141.

Abstinence Training Set for Mid-January in Both Tulsa, OKC

Here are the details regarding KEEP's semi-annual basic volunteer teacher training workshop:

Thursday and Friday, Jan 14-15, 2010
8801 W. 41st
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday and Saturday, Jan. 15-16, 2010
Oklahoma City
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Church
7336 W. Britton Road
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

If you've ever thought about volunteering to make a difference in the lives of Oklahoma teens, this is your opportunity to learn how to teach abstinence-until-marriage instruction to them through OFPC's KEEP Program. These KEEP workshops are always free to participants.

Also, past attendees are always welcome to come refresh your skills!

Please call OFPC at (918) 610-KEEP (Tulsa) or (405) 787-7744 (OKC) to let us know you will be attending. Thanks.