Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Shouldn't Society Just Say ‘Uncle’ and Grant Same-Sex Marriage?

Abraham Lincoln once asked how many legs a dog has if we call a tail a leg. The answer, he said, is four: calling a tail a leg does not make it so.

The late President's wisdom is wisdom our nation should reflect upon in the debate over so-called same-sex "marriage."

Read this insightful piece by Professor Stephen Heaney.

Also, please forward this essay to all the associate justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, if you know them.

Don't Forget About the Govt.'s Health Care Takeover!

Today, much of the public debate nationwide has, unfortunately, shifted from the coming takeover of private health care in the U.S. to the Gulf oil spill to the Arizona border battles to, most recently, the mosque under consideration in NYC and President Obama's recent comments.

But, citizens, we must not forget the health care disaster, which is quickly speeding towards us! Taxes and premiums are already increasing.

Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor just this week mentioned the huge increase in his health insurance premium (insurance companies, apparently, are dramatically hiking premiums in anticipation of future expenses under Obamacare).

And, see this link to a health care story in the UK. Large scale rationing of health care is now being secretly enforced by the British government to save money. Will this happen in the U.S.? We must make sure it doesn't.

What good is health care for everybody if you can't get the health care you need when you need it? Don't forget about the government's health care takeover!